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Garner Grows Community Garden: Share The Work, Share The Harvest
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Home » 2: Tammy Kennedy

2: Tammy Kennedy

Tammy Kennedy has been a member since 2010 and was the first leader after Maggie. The plant geek of the group, she enjoys learning about any and all plants – the odder the better and is happy to share said knowledge if you ask. But, she’s a talker, so you’ve been warned! She also enjoys planning the crop rotations and raising butterflies. She feels the best part of the garden is the family that the members become.

She’s been into nature and plants since she was a kid with her gardening Dad and maternal grandparents showing the way.  Her garden mentor gets a lot of credit for teaching her all about gardening in North Carolina, too (she’s from Western PA, originally).  She thoroughly enjoys gardening with her hubby, Pete, along with kayaking, hiking and hunting mushrooms.  They have 2 grown kids and an incredibly cute and charismatic grandson who makes occasional appearances and 4 kittehs that keep them on their toes.  They recently bought a little house in the VA mountains that they disappear to on the regular to cool off and recharge.  Tammy loves to crochet, make art, do many other crafts and to take and edit pictures.  She’s a freelance retoucher for her ‘real job’.  She absolutely loves the garden membership that has become her extended family!!