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Garner Grows Community Garden: Share The Work, Share The Harvest
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Get Involved

There is more than one way to get involved with Garner Grows. You can of course join as a member, but there are other ways you can participate or contribute as well!

Make a Donation – As a nonprofit organization donations are what keep us running! And don’t think that donations have to be monetary either. We accept donations of many other items and services as well!

Become a Member – I can’t imagine a situation in which our membership is ever closed to the public. The more the merrier! We would always love to have you as a full fledged member, in whatever capacity you have time for. We have no attendance requirement for membership, all it entails is paying the low yearly membership fee. If you pay your fee and then life happens, keeping you from ever actually coming to the garden, then we thank you for your support! Know that your money will be well spent and appreciated either way.

Attend an Event – In addition to our member events, we also hold events that are open to the public! We have plant sales, fundraisers, free educational workshops, and volunteer days where you can join us for a workday and see what membership is all about.

Join A Mailing List – In addition to our day to day happenings here at the garden, we often have events that are open to the public. If you don’t have time to join as a member, you might like to attend one of our public events instead. This will give you a chance not just to meet some of our members, but there will usually be some benefit in the event for you as well!

Buy some Plants – One of the ways we raise money for the garden is by selling some of our gently nurtured baby plants to the public! Come on down and buy some plants for your own personal garden. Your garden will thank you!

Buy a T-shirt – Our members often make quite the sight when we are out in public as a group. When we are all wearing one of these Garner Grows T-shirts we are like a giant wave of green coming your way! Show your support by purchasing one for yourself as well!