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Garner Grows Community Garden: Share The Work, Share The Harvest
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Mailing Lists

If you are interested in Garner Grows, but not ready to join just yet, you might like to join one of our Mailing Lists. We promise not to flood your mailbox with SPAM, and will only notify you when we hold certain events that interest you. You can unsubscribe at any time by following the instructions at the bottom of the email. Take a look at some of the available mailing lists below and join any that catch your eye! It may take up to 24 hours for your subscription request to be processed. If you do not receive a welcome email within 24 hours, please contact

Mailing Lists

Potential Members Mailing List: Thinking of joining the garden, but want to see what all the fuss is about first? Joining this list will allow you to receive a weekly newsletter with invitations to all Public Workdays and Events, so you can join in the fun and meet some of our members. The difference between this and a membership is: it’s free, you don’t get a share of the harvest, and you can’t attend private social gatherings or workdays at the satellite gardens. But if you just want to learn gardening and get some healthy exercise, feel free to join us this way! Note: If you join this list, there is no need to join any other list, because you will receive invitations to all three other types of events in your weekly newsletter.

Plant Sales Mailing List: Each year we raise money for our garden by selling plants to the public so you can add them to your own garden! This list is for anyone interested in attending our Plant Sales to purchase these plants. We usually hold these on Saturdays in April & May, plus occasional other Sales throughout the growing season. When you subscribe to this list you will receive an email before our sale season begins with details about date, time and location of the sale(s), as well as an idea of what kinds of plants might be available.

Volunteer Days Mailing List: Interested in helping us out a bit just once or twice rather than joining as a member? We sometimes hold open volunteer days. If you want the latest info and to be notified, please subscribe to our Volunteer Mailing List. You can also arrange to have a group volunteer day; great for things like scout groups, students, or employee charity projects. Contact us at to set one up.

Workshop Mailing List: At Garner Grows we offer free educational workshops to the public where you can learn specific gardening skills. If you are interested in attending a free workshop, you can join our mailing list and we will send out an email before each Workshop Event with information about how to sign up. Some of the topics you might see offered include:

  • Growing Mushroom Logs
  • Hugelkultur Gardening
  • Plant Propogation
  • Compost Class
  • Polinator Garden
  • Introduction to Bees
  • Native Plants
  • Building Raised Beds

Ready to join a mailing list? Just fill out the short form below!

Please note that it may take up to 24 hours for your subscription to process.