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Home » Sweet William

Sweet William

Proofreaders: This page is simply a mockup I copied and pasted from another website, so it won’t be going live and you don’t have to proofread the content for errors. The Plant Database will be a time-consuming project that won’t be ready for a while, but you can give feedback on the idea and how you think it should be formatted, linked, etc. Tammy also suggested linking directly to the Square app inventory, so I am going to look into that.

Sweet William (Dianthus barbatus) is a short-lived, herbaceous perennial or biennial flowering plant ideal for use in cottage gardens, perennial beds, or containers. The flowers come in many vibrant shades and are attractive to pollinators like butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds.

Planting Sweet William in late spring will usually produce flowers the following year, although some new cultivars bloom in the first year if you start the seeds early enough. Research suggests that sweet Williams are mildly toxic to pets and people.

Botanical NameDianthus barbatus
Common NameSweet William, bearded pink, pinks
 Plant TypeHerbaceous, Perennial
 Mature Size1-2 ft. tall, 0.5-1 ft. wide
 Sun ExposureFull sun, part shade
 Soil TypeMoist, Well-drained
 Soil pHAcidic, Neutral, Alkaline
 Bloom TimeLate Spring, Summer
 Flower ColorRed, Pink, White, and Bicolor
Hardiness Zones4a-9b, USDA
 Native AreaEurope
 ToxicityToxic to pets and people