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Black Thumb Blog

Picture of Progress

A recent photo opportunity of a rainbow had me looking back to the beginning of our journey at Thompson Road Park… the progress we have made is remarkable!

Focus on Fauna

You might not realize how many animals you can find in a garden! In addition to the wild fauna, we even have some livestock and pets here at Garner Grows.

April Showers Bring May Flowers

April Showers Bring May Flowers. In the literal sense, this proverb illustrates a lesson every child is taught in elementary school science: that plants need water to grow. But in a more figurative sense, it is a reminder that times of hardship and hard work are eventually followed by better times and rewarding results! Both meanings are appropriate for Garner Grows this month.

In Like A Lion, Out Like A Lamb

They say that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. The old adage usually refers to the weather, but it’s not a bad analogy for the activity calendar at Garner Grows this month!

“Jette” Black Thumb – An Introduction

My name is Jette, and I am starting a new Blog Series called “Gardening With A ‘Jette’ Black Thumb, to show an unique perspective on Garner Grows!