The community is growing along with the garden. Friends and families come together, and different cultures appreciate each other.

Vegetables, fruits and flowers are not everything at Garner Grows. There is knowledge and skills to teach and learn. Carpentry, plumbing, propagation, seed starting, painting, landscape, accounting, design, media/computer and pruning are important skills that go into running the garden. Canning, dehydrating, jams, salsa, hot sauces, recipes and flower arranging are also appreciated, and help use the produce we grow. Sharing skills, knowledge and goods is a wonderful life practice and is necessary for the farm to work well. Hanging out by the fire once the hard work is done for the day is the cherry on top!

This year we have tested and succeeded with a modified kiddie pool growing system for some of our peppers. The prone metal fence with blocks as deer protection for the sweet potatoes also seems to have worked well (we’ll see when we harvest). The fishing line fence has certainly slowed the deer and bunnies down a little as well.
Crops that have done especially well this summer are blackberries, raspberries, figs, tomatoes, beans, okra, winter squash, garlic and onions.
We will soon be selling plants again this fall to help keep the farm running. Come and see what beauties you can take home for your own garden.

Don’t miss out! If you are a member (or want to be) come and share our vision of a beautiful and productive future. Some day soon we hope people will come to see what we can accomplish together!