If you miss a couple of weeks at Garner Grows Community Garden, you can miss a lot. Our family was on vacay for 10 days and I was worried that the rabbits would eat everything while we were gone.
Sometimes Mother Nature smiles, though. The rainfall was steady – maybe too steady! The weeds are growing faster than we can keep up. Pam says that the rabbits have disappeared, also. That may well be caused by the mother hawk that has a nest nearby. Apparently she has been watching the garden closely while hunting in the neighborhood. We are grateful for the reprieve, both of rabbit chasing and watering.
Tammy says that the praying mantises we released about 6 weeks ago have helped keep down the garden pests. To keep down the mosquitoes Joe has made a bat house to encourage bat residents. We will put that in a tree on Thursday.
We had a monthly meeting, this time at Mi Rancho, where the main goals of the year, irrigation and a driveway, were discussed. The irrigation system would free up people to pick produce, plant or weed. With the recent rains though, that has not been as urgent. Unfortunately the driveway has become more important due to the random mulch dumping in bad spots lately. The driveway would make it easier for a truck to dump behind the fence where it’s supposed to go.
We also set a time for the fall combination sale – Sept 22nd. And 2 plants sales in the 2 prior weeks on 9/8 & 9/15. Put it on your calendar and plan to come on out and see us!
Other things you might miss if you don’t come often to Garner Grows are tomatoes, melons, red raspberries and a good time with friends.