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Home » 5/28/19 – Make Memories for Memorial Day

5/28/19 – Make Memories for Memorial Day

Memorial day is a time of remembrance but can also be downtime to enjoy with friends and family.  If either or both of those is scarce, come to your community garden and make your own.  Carlos (bbq chef extraordinaire) does great burgers, brats and dogs as well as portabellas and corn on the cob.  On the spur of the moment on Saturday, Maggie asked Tammy if we had any plans for Monday, and she in turn asked Pam who said, ‘Let’s have a cookout!’  It was thoroughly enjoyable, and as the 17-20 people were leaving somebody said we’ll put it on the calendar for next year. 🙂

Don’t worry, Carlos will still be serving his specialty next weekend at the combo bbq, plant and yard sale on saturday!  It is the last chance to buy tomatoes, peppers, or summer annuals, which are a reduced price.

A new addition to the garden is the latest hugelkultur. A hard working crew did beautiful work. If you want to help with the next one, the large hole and largest logs are already installed.

The berries have been going for a month or more now, fading from strawberries into raspberries, blueberries, wineberries and blackberries as the weather gets hotter. We’ve been harvesting loads of various kinds of greens and it’s been an extraordinary year for peas! Onions, beets, turnips, carrots and soon garlic round out the cool season crops that are winding down. We have tomatoes, eggplants and peppers, squash and melons planted, with okra, corn, roselle and other warm weather staples yet to come. Flowers have made a steady parade of colors and scents. Come and see what the scoop is all about!

See you in the garden