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Home » 4/25/19 – Goat Farm Field Trip

4/25/19 – Goat Farm Field Trip

Dear garden friends,

I am happy to report that the Prodigal Goat Farm field trip was a success.  See photos on our facebook page.  We wish everybody could have come along.

The plant mothers (Tammy, Pam, Jessica) have raised many seedlings.  This is the time to get the tomatoes, eggplants, herbs and peppers that you didn’t know you wanted or you just couldn’t find anywhere else.  There are even more coming because some are still too small.

If you missed the big BBQ and plant sale – don’t worry; you didn’t really!  It was postponed to May 4th due to bad weather. 

This weekend, Saturday, April 27th, is the Strawberry Festival which is the biggest fund raiser of the year.  We have had only one other plant sale this year so we now are prepared.

We now have bees again!  Chris Hagwood captured a large swarm and installed it behind the sheds and mulch area.  Sarah and Joanna are helping with that project.

Greens are doing great.  Snow and snap peas are popping.  Beets, carrots, and turnips are hiding as they grow slowly in secret.  Tammy has said that we have an abundance of herb plants and all the extras will be going to the Meditation Herb Maze eventually!

In keeping with our goal of growing the best and most unusual plants, Sarah and Jeremy have brought 10-15 paw paw trees and planted them in the hugel culture and close to the mulch area.  Imagine custard fruit…

If you think planting and weeding doesn’t sound like fun, it sure can be and there is a lot of shenanigans you are missing with the family of friends at Garner Grows.

We hope you join us in the garden.