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Garner Grows Community Garden: Share The Work, Share The Harvest
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Home » 4/16/18 – Spring Abundance

4/16/18 – Spring Abundance

Spring has arrived and the garden shows it!  There is an abundance of luscious greens and blooming beauties all around.  

This last Saturday, 4/14/18, was the most productive combo fundraiser to date.  Nearly all members were able to contribute either time or donations or both.  That trend predicts a good harvest for the year.

A new member joined with 2 children on the spot.  Come on out and meet the new people, because the community garden is as much about the community as the garden.  Everybody brought their smiles which just made the weather even more beautiful.

We have the Cleveland Strawberry Festival and another BBQ and combo sale coming up!  We’ll be selling plants pretty much every Saturday morning up near the orchard til it gets too hot (usually in June), except 4/28, when we’ll be at the strawberry festival at I40 & 42.  By then we’ll have most of the huge variety of tomatoes, peppers (sweets and hots), and eggplants ready to go into the soil and grow.  Second combo BBQ sale day is May 19th.  Come and see what the fuss is all about.  🙂