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Garner Grows Community Garden: Share The Work, Share The Harvest
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Home » 3/3/18 – Brrr! Our Gardeners Defy The Cold

3/3/18 – Brrr! Our Gardeners Defy The Cold

Only the bravest, hardiest gardeners came today.  It was around 40* at 10:00 and windy.  Unfortunately the wind was too strong for a warming fire.  To keep warm Maggie, Pam, George, William and I mulched the blackberry area and put compost in rows where future beans, okra, tomatoes, peppers and cut flowers are expected.

Pam, Carlos and George secured the cattle panel trellises for climbing peas and cucumbers.  Tammy planted some donated vines and dug a trench and set an edging border along the flowers facing Fred’s to keep out grass.  Spring will be much easier with all this prep work done.

Parsley, cilantro, beets, radishes, cabbage, peas, parsnips, leeks, carrots, asparagus and lettuce have sprouted!  Daffodils, blue veronica, crocus and mini iris are blooming.

Our fearless lady leaders are planning shiitake log inoculation for the garden and more asparagus planting.  An addition to the compost bin may be constructed soon.

Maggie and William brought Kylo the wild teenage puppy.  He couldn’t contain his enthusiasm so he ran around.   As his family kept working he slowed down.  Finally he waited by his car because he was ready for a nap.

Brave hardy gardeners took home some of the first of spinach, parsley and kale!  Next weekend is looking to be that campfire we have been waiting for, some grilling and a short meeting where we talk about progress, plans, hopes and dreams.  So don’t miss this chance to bring your family and friends to see the garden you have been bragging about….

Future events include 2 spring BBQs with a yard sale, plants sales, the strawberry festival, the state fair, trick or treat trails and fall BBQ with a plant sale.

Share the work, share the fun and share the harvest with your community!

                           Garner Grows