Our community garden is as much about community as gardening. Like minded people get along well. Everybody brings something to it, and together it is better than one person’s contribution.
Monday, the 22nd, some of the gardeners who have more flexible hours continued on a major winter project – another hugelkultur bed. It is basically buried composting on steroids. We dig a hole about 2 feet deep, layered logs and branches, mulch, leaves and the dirt from the hole. This results in a hill which has composting wood underneath to absorb water and nourish the crops planted above. Pam, Tammy, Danielle, George, Layla, and Ryan all worked on this, the second one. They are boomerang shaped like waves or scales. They will interlock to catch the water runoff from the parking lot. See a visual on the map of the garden on the garden maps page.
A visitor today asked what was our best crop this past year and I said winter squashes and hot peppers, while William said tomatoes were the best yet. But she was excited about persimmons. Blackberries and blueberries were the focus of most of the dedicated gardeners Saturday. Fertilizing, trimming and mulching was the order of the day. Those berries looked beautiful by the end of the day.
Joe and Carlos worked on repairing some of the raised beds. We were very happy to see Micheal today since he’s been out of the area for a while. William and I used the electric chainsaw (thanks Kristen!) to cut some wood for the hugelkultur. That was the highlight of my day!
In retrospect, the past year was the year we were able to contribute to food banks and neighbors more than ever. That was our best harvest.
Next week we might be able to finish this hugel and there is rumor of a campfire with extra wood (hot dogs? marshmallows!) Alex said in his experience, boy scouts were only an excuse to start fires.