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Garner Grows Community Garden: Share The Work, Share The Harvest
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Home » 1/21/18 – Snow Can’t Stop Us

1/21/18 – Snow Can’t Stop Us

It was a beautiful day at Garner Grows Community Garden Saturday. The leading ladies almost cancelled the work day due to snow covering almost everything.  The temperature reached around 50*, which was comfortable.

We had a beautiful, productive and fun day. Jessica returned to show everyone her new baby. She brought her other two boys who climbed trees and snow covered mulch piles. Most gardeners worked on clearing the brush close to those piles. Some slackers like myself started a campfire to burn that brush. Alex graced us with his wife Marcia’s visit.  He also brought Manny, his dog, who was spoiled by all.  In all 15 people enjoyed the community garden.

Today I learned that one variety of elephant ear is edible: its root is taro root!

Last weeks freezing weather has benefits of killing mosquitoes, fleas and ticks.  The snow has protected seedlings from cold that were also covered by reemay.  As it melts that should be a gentle watering.  Plants grow slower but many still grow in winter.  Tammy, Pam, Maggie and George are choosing which seeds they will soon begin to start under grow lights for spring. Spring is coming!

Also coming is the next potluck or cookout on February 10.  If you haven’t paid yet, don’t forget membership dues (a friendly P.S.A.)
