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Garner Grows Community Garden: Share The Work, Share The Harvest
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Home » 1/13/20 – Happy New Year!

1/13/20 – Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Resolve to eat more fresh food for your good health, fresh from the garden! Get outside and exercise and absorb some vitamin D, at the garden.  Meet new people who have the same interests – where else? 

a collard spills out of a bed with mixed greens and herbs

Lately workdays have been scarce due to weather or holiday traveling, but Saturday was a wonderful winter exception.  It was 70 degrees and the rain held off just long enough.  Soon the weekday work times will be 4-6pm Monday and Thursday as the days are thankfully getting longer again, which should make it a bit easier for the workaday folks to play.  

We’re getting nutty at Garner Grows

Pam, Tammy and Maggie were tough taskmasters, as they led by example.  It was hard to keep up!  We are woking diligently to clean up on the “off season” and get ready for the busy times coming (there is no off season!).  We broke in a new, improved fire ring with hot dogs, marshmallows, mandarin oranges, tortilla chips and guac.  S’mores and chocolate truffles made a yummy dessert.  Kids were happily swarming around, playing in the branches and mulch pile between marshmallow roastings and peanut picking.  

a luscious looking pak choi!

Some of the current goodies coming out of the garden are jerusalem artichokes, kale, parsnips, rutabagas, pak choi, turnips, collards, mustard, carrots, peanuts, parsley, cilantro, herbs, radishes and senposai.  Spinach, lettuce, arugula & other greens are growing quickly in the raised beds and will be available soon.  

The broccoli is a baby, but the semposai is ready to harvest

It’s off to the races as Pam, Tammy and Layla have started seeds for the spring!  A few others have volunteered to help start seeds and shepherd the flock of eventual seedlings to full size as our growing areas get crowded. Seed orders will happen soon, too.  

mustard and other greens ready for picking

Memberships are due in January. At $30 per household for the whole year they are a steal! Make the most of the new decade with us at Garner Grows.
